If you are one of those people who have had enough of tossing around in your bed at night instead of sleeping, then you have come to the right place. You have probably come to the breaking point and you feel like you need to focus on improving your sleeping schedule and pattern, so this is the perfect time for a change! Once you start looking into ways to have a night of better sleep, many tips can help you. Thankfully, we are here to help you too!
Below, we have listed some of the best ideas you can use to improve your sleep when you are dealing with insomnia.
Best tips for better sleep
- Try to power down
Anything that glows right into your face and eyes is a hazard at night and can disrupt your sleeping schedule. Your cell phone, your tablet, or even the digital clock you have in your room can disrupt your pattern. Turn off everything electronic around you for at least one hour before you go to bed.
- Stop napping during the daytime
This is something that can easily interfere with falling asleep. If you are extremely tired, then it is okay to take a small nap during the day, but nothing more than 20-30 minutes. A power nap can keep you in shape and still let you have a full night of sleep.
- Stop the clock
Do you wake up to take a look at the clock a few times during the night? Well, this is something that may subconsciously disrupt your sleep, so it is a practice best avoided. It is best to put it in a drawer so you can’t see it when you wake up.
- Leg pillow for back pain
If you can’t sleep due to back pain, then it is great to take a pillow and place it between your legs. This will align your back and help you fall asleep more easily. It is a lifesaver and it promotes better sleep.
- Relax your neck too
If you are waking up tired, then the reason for this might be your pillow. It should not be too high or too low and should provide just enough support to get your neck in the right position and enable your body to relax.
- Seal the mattress
Over time, your mattress can fill itself with mold, dust mite droppings, and many other triggers for allergy. So if you are fighting insomnia, then one of the steps you can take is to seal your mattress and enjoy a good night of sleep.
- Leave your bed for sleep and sexual activities
The bed should be a place of rest and romance. Try avoiding doing work or watching TV in the bedroom, and keep that space for relaxation only. Also, make sure to make the room just the right temperature to sleep in – not too warm and not too cold.
- Use your body clock
All of us have an internal body clock that makes us wake up at a certain point and go to sleep at a certain point too. Try to listen to it. This is one of the best steps you can take toward creating a healthy sleeping pattern and waking up in the morning feeling rested.
- Check for hidden caffeine
If you consume coffee in the morning, it is going to be good for you. But, if you consume caffeine in the evening, it might disrupt your sleep pattern. Even small amounts of caffeine in tea or any other drink or product can influence your body’s response to falling asleep.
- Wise workout
Regular exercise can contribute to better sleep. Just make sure to exercise during the day, not close to bedtime. If you do any vigorous exercises, make sure to do them for at least three to four hours before going to bed.
- Consume the right foods
Avoid large meals and having late meals before going to bed. The food you consume will overload the digestive system and disrupt the entire sleeping pattern. This can easily lead to insomnia. You can learn more about the correlation between food and sleep here. (insert hyperlink of your own blog)
- Rethink a beverage
When you reach out for a drink later in the evening, think about making the right choice. Some drinks will induce effects that can make you feel drowsy at first, and then alert when you are supposed to be sleeping. A glass of warm milk or camomile tea is a great choice if you need a soothing beverage.
- Watch your water
If you want to reduce the chances of getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, be mindful of when you drink water. Refrain from drinking water and juices two hours before you turn in.
- Dim the lights
About two to three hours before going to bed, start turning the lights down low. This will send signals to your body that it is time to start relaxing and unwinding. It is a great way to contribute to a good night of sleep.
- Hush the noise
Anything from a loud neighborhood or a loud dog to a clock ticking in the hallway can chip away at your sleep. In this case, it is best to try to shut out the sounds that make you stay alert and awake. If silence is what you need to put yourself to sleep, then make sure you are taking all the necessary steps to achieve that.
- No Tobacco
Smoking has always posed a hazard, especially in the world of today. But, even if you are a smoker, try lowering your tobacco intake in the evening. If possible cut it out completely. Since nicotine is an addictive stimulant, it can lead to insomnia and trouble falling asleep.
- Keep the bed for people only
This means that it would be advisable to keep any pets away from the bed. Ensure that the bed is for yourself and your partner only. This is how you will protect yourself from all the dust, dirt, pollen, and animal hair that the pet can bring to your place of sleep.
- Release your thoughts
As difficult as it may sound, try to put aside all the stress from the way. Whether it was from a professional or a personal point of view, try to tune down the noise in your head and keep it to a minimum – so you can get a good night of sleep.
- Use sleeping pills with caution
Try to avoid creating a habit of taking some sleeping pills to beat your sleepless nights. Ideally, a sleeping pill should only be a short-term solution. However, if it is organic and natural, then you can freely use it – by previously consulting with a professional.
- Know when it is time to ask for assistance
If you feel like you have not been getting enough sleep for a longer period, then it is time to ask for help. Get professional access to the situation and take it from there.
One of the best ways to ensure a better sleep pattern is by using a natural product that can help you balance out the sleepless situation and get you back to normal. SLEEP Aid is an excellent way to alleviate your restlessness and uneasiness, relaxing your body and giving you the sleep you deserve.
These tips are an excellent starting point to achieve that – we hope that you will find them helpful. Relax and allow the stress and experiences from the day to wash through you like a wave, and end up having the best sleep of your life!